We are proud to announce that our Senior Reliability Engineer, Nikalus Sharpe, has officially been certified as an Apollo Root Cause Analysis™ instructor by Appollonian Publications, the company behind Apollo RCA. This certification means that Nik can teach the courses and certify participants in becoming Apollo Root Cause Analysis participants or facilitators.

Nik’s professional development journey, as an effective problem solver, started off as something of personal interest, having completed the Apollo RCA facilitator course prior to joining the HolisticAM team and it was at this time that Nik focused on becoming a certified instructor in the Apollo methodology.

Nik attended a comprehensive training session with ARCA Master Instructor, Fadi E Rahal, at S-Oil in Ulsan, South Korea, followed by several online training modules to further understand the RC Pro Software.

Apollo RCA Training Session | Certified Instructor
Apollo RCA Certified Instructor

Together with the Apollo RCA submission, Nik had to complete a suite of written assessments on his knowledge of the Apollo methodology, for which Nik received excellent feedback from Fadi stating “Nik’s submission had the most extensive answers that he had ever seen.”

As an ultimate step, Nik co-instructed a facilitation course with Luke Bayly, HolisticAM’s Apollo RCA lead, and further facilitated a solo course with Luke in attendance.

After an extensive 50+ hours of intensive training, Nik has now received the prestigious title of “Certified Instructor for Apollo Root Cause Analysis”.

A huge accomplishment for Nik, the hard work has paid off and we are extremely proud of you.

HolisticAM are the only certified trainers of the most powerful RCA methodology, Apollo RCA in Australia.
Discover more about how this RCA methodology can transform how you handle recurrent and costly failures at your site.